Week 5 Self check questions and solutions

Week 5 Self check questions and solutions#

Question A matrix \(A\) is called tridiagonal if on its diagonal and first off-diagonals contain non-zero entries: \(a_{ij} = 0\) if \(|i - j| \geq 2\). Show that if \(A\) is tridiagonal, then \(R\) of its \(QR\) factorisation is nonzero only on the diagonal and the first two upper off-diagonals.

Answer Recall the structure of \(R\):

\[\begin{split} R = \begin{pmatrix} \|\tilde{q}_1\|_2 & \langle a_2, q_1 \rangle & \ldots & \langle a_n, q_1 \rangle \\ & \|\tilde{q}_2\|_2 & \ddots & \vdots \\ & & \ddots & \langle a_n, q_{n-1} \rangle \\ & & & \|\tilde{q}_n\|_2 \end{pmatrix} \end{split}\]

We need to show \(r_{ij} = 0\) if \(j + 2 \geq i\):

  • The result trivially holds for the first three columns because of the triangularity of \(R\). Thus, let \(j \geq 4\).

  • We know that the first \(j - 2\) entries of the \(j\)th column of \(a_j\) vanish because of the tridiagonal structure.

  • We that \(\mathrm{span}(a_1, \ldots, a_i) = \mathrm{span}(q_1, \ldots, q_i)\) owing to the construction of the Gram-Schmid method. Because of the tridiagonal structure, only the \((i+1)\)th elements of \(q_k\), \(k \leq i\), can be non-zero.

  • Therefore if \(j + 2 \geq i\)

    \[ r_{ij} = \langle a_j, q_i \rangle = \sum_{k = 1}^n (a_j)_k, (q_i)_k = 0 \]

    because in each part of the sum, one factor equals \(0\).

Question Given \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}\) with \(m \geq n\) show that the factorisation \(A = LQ\) exists, where \(Q\) is an \(n \times m\) matrix with orthogonal rows and where \(L\) is an \(n \times n\) lower triangular matrix.

Answer Using the \(QR\) decomposition \(A^T = \bar{Q} R\) of the transpose,

\[ A = (A^T)^T = (\bar{Q} R)^T = R^T \bar{Q}^T = L Q \]

with \(L := R^T\) and \(Q := \bar{Q}^T\).

Question Determine the \(2\times 2\) matrix \(Q\) that rotates a vector by an angle \(\theta\). Is this matrix orthogonal? Show that \(Q^{-1}\) is identical to the matrix that rotates vectors by an angle of \(-\theta\).


The rotation matrix is given as follows:

\[\begin{split} Q = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin\theta\\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]

The matrix \(Q\) is orthogonal since \(Q^TQ=I\). The rotation matrix for the angle \(-\theta\) is obtained as

\[\begin{split} \hat{Q} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & +\sin\theta\\ -\sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{bmatrix}, \end{split}\]

which is just the transpose of \(Q\). Hence, as expected, the inverse of \(Q\) is just the rotation by \(-\theta\).

Answer The rotation matrix is given as follows:

\[\begin{split} Q = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin\theta\\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]

The matrix \(Q\) is orthogonal since \(Q^TQ=I\). The rotation matrix for the angle \(-\theta\) is obtained as

\[\begin{split} \hat{Q} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & +\sin\theta\\ -\sin\theta & \cos\theta \end{bmatrix}, \end{split}\]

which is just the transpose of \(Q\). Hence, as expected, the inverse of \(Q\) is just the rotation by \(-\theta\).

Question Let \(u\in\mathbb{R}^n\) with \(\|u\|_2=1\). Define \(P=uu^T\). Show that \(P=P^2\). Is \(P\) an orthogonal matrix? Describe what \(P\) is doing. Matrices that satisfy \(P=P^2\) are also called projectors.

Answer We have

\[ P^2 = uu^Tuu^T = uu^T \]

since \(u^Tu = 1\).

\(P\) is not orthogonal since it is singular. If \(v\bot u\) then \(Pv = 0\). \(Px\) is the projection of a vector \(x\) along \(u\), that is it cancels out all components of \(x\) orthogonal to \(u\).

Question Let \(P=P^2\) be a projector satisfying \(P=P^T\). Show that \(Q=I-2P\) is an orthogonal matrix. Give a geometric interpretation of \(Q\).

Answer We have

\[ (I-2P)^T(I-2P) = (I -2P)^2 = I - 4P + 4P^2 = I \]

since \(P=P^T\) and \(P^2=P\). The matrix \(Q\) is a reflector. All components orthogonal to \(P\) are left untouched while all components in the range of \(P\) are subtracted twice, therefore being reflected. In the special case that \(P=uu^T\) for \(\|u\|_2=1\), the matrix \(Q\) is a Householder transformation.

Question In the following we define two different ways of orthogonalising a set of vectors.

import numpy as np  
def gram_schmidt(A):  
    """Returns an orthogonal basis for the columns in A."""  
    m = A.shape[0]  
    n = A.shape[1]  
    Q = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=np.float64)  
    Q[:, 0] = A[:, 0] / np.linalg.norm(A[:, 0])  
    for col in range(1, n):  
        t = A[:, col]  
        inner_products = Q[:, :col].T @ t  
        t -= Q[:, :col] @ inner_products  
        Q[:, col] = t / np.linalg.norm(t)  
    return Q  
    def modified_gram_schmidt(A):  
    """Return an orthogonal basis for the columns in A"""  
m = A.shape[0]  
    n = A.shape[1]  
    Q = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=np.float64)  
    Q[:, 0] = A[:, 0] / np.linalg.norm(A[:, 0])  
    for col in range(1, n):  
        t = A[:, col]  
        for index in range(col):  
            t -= Q[:, index] * (np.inner(Q[:, index], t))  
        Q[:, col] = t / np.linalg.norm(t)  
    return Q

Describe the difference between the two formulations and convince yourself that they are algebraically equivalent. Can you numerically demonstrate that the modified formulation is more accurate in floating point arithmetic?

Answer The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation first forms all inner products against the previous vectors and then subtracts them. In contrast, the modified Gram-Schmidt method subtracts immediately after forming the inner product with a previous column \(q\). Modified Gram-Schmidt is just a reordering of the orthogonalisation. However, it can be shown that modified Gram-Schmidt is numerically more stable.

In the example below, we orthogonalise a matrix \(A\) with both methods and then compare the resulting matrix \(Q\) with the identity matrix. The relative residual of modified Gram-Schmidt is much closer to machine precision than that of Gram-Schmidt. In practice, therefore, usually modified Gram-Schmidt is used.

m = 1000  
n = 1000  
A = np.random.rand(m, n)  
Q_gs = gram_schmidt(A)  
Q_mgs = modified_gram_schmidt(A)  
ident = np.eye(n)  
res_gs = np.linalg.norm(Q_gs.T @ Q_gs - ident) / np.linalg.norm(ident)  
res_mgs = np.linalg.norm(Q_mgs.T @ Q_mgs - ident) / np.linalg.norm(ident)  
print(f"Residual for Gram-Schmidt: {res_gs}")  
print(f"Residual for modified Gram-Schmidt: {res_mgs}")

This results in the output

Residual for Gram-Schmidt: 4.610285906483318e-11
Residual for modified Gram-Schmidt: 1.1165488100397485e-15